SPADA has temporialy been Out of Production while it is being moved to the U.S..
It is still not quite in FULL production yet. I am hoping for the end of the month ?
However for those of you building German Plywood Finished Aircraft. THE FIRST Unique SPADAUSA WE (Wood Effect) WE005 Decale Re-Prints have been Sucessful and are availalbe again.
Contact me directly thru my profile email.
SPADA's "Wood Effect" Decales have been a unique product. Unlike traditonal Wood Grained Decals which up to now all have been of printed wood grain either out of scale, and or out of color.
SPADA has Laser Printed a simulated Wood Grain Pattern on a clear sheet decal which in eefect allows the User to change or alter the final appearance by the choice of the wood colored base coat they paint on their subject beucase the Decal it self is near Opaque.

THsi is not a plug for the product only informing those who have missed it that is once again available now.
Yours Mike