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Hi M60A3
That's a neat looking Oscar - always one of my favourites - they're so delicate looking they make a Zero seem like a heavyweight! I've never heard of buffing paint with toothpaste so I'm going to give it a try... thanks for the tip and showing us your model. :-)
Greets Rowan,
A 1984 issue of Fine Scale Modeler had an article about simulating NMF with Floquil paint. I tried it then and use it exclusively since.
Floquil puts out Bright Silver, Old Silver, Platinum Mist and I recall one or two others (fumes are taking their toll).
These stick to plastic like...well...glue! The pigment is ultra fine, some say finer than Humbrol. It can be masked and unless you slopped grease between it and the model, the paint ain't coming off!
It can be buffed and polished and handled without gloves that remove metalizers.
One color can be buffed with different subjects, i.e., cotton, toothpaste, polish, and give as many slightly different sheens.
Floquil used to be laquer-based. In the late 80s-early 90s they reformulated. The new paint is still as good as described.