1st post.
I'm kind of a newbie to this site, but am active on other WW1 sites. Forgot my callsign and couldn't log on here. emails for help have so far been unanswered, so I had to re-register.
Anyway, where are you guys getting the references for SE5 RAFWire? I liked the RB productions stuff was was stumped at the sizes he chose. I really like the attachments, though. I'll be having them.
A long time ago I saw this, which I've been using as a reference:
http://tinyurl.com/rafwiresIt is supposedly the SE5 and 5a rigging diagram from the original manual.
In short, it says that only the front flying wires and the undercarriage front cross bracing wires are 1/4 BSF.
The rest are either 2BA or 4BA RAFwire.
Is there another source which has different numbers?