@ Russell: Thanks for your comment! I like the splinter camo too, especially on the ju-87.
@ Steffen: Thanks for looking up the camo scheme in the book. I checked it too and was surprised, that it was only used for the G-6 Version. But I painted the camo from the Hasegawa box art and painting instructions. Didn't think that they can be wrong in a special Priller Bf 109 edition... But I didn't find any pics of this plane on the net and not in any of my material. So it's a little bit strange.
I just wanted to show you guys some pictures made with my DIY Lightbox. What do you think? I used one lamp from left and daylight from above and right. I have to buy better paper for the background.
Gloss coat and the big decals are on and sealed.
From my start at modelling I was always afraid of putting on the decals, every softener I used wasn't very good, one time it even destroyed a US Insignia! . But this time I used Micro Set and Micro Sol. Wonderful products! No problems a with putting them on, though the setter makes the decal stick on the surface very fast and it's a little bit difficult to move it in place. And the softener put the decal very good on to the surface. I'm curious how the rivets and panel lines will be visible after enhancing them.
Comments like always welcome!