So I think jaypee is trying to mud.
I got tired of armor too and stepped into trucks and planes...mostly trucks. I have afew of the revell 1/32 kits that I want to build. Alot of the ones I had as a kid too.
The problem is there isn't much resin or PE out there for these. I have the RF-4b and F-4e phantom kits and the instrument clusters are nothing but decals...and so-so ones at that. I got a Legend resin E-model complete cockpit...this will make a huge difference for sure.
I'm also researching my 1/32 revell Bf 109g and find it's too short in fuse can be fixed, but you might want to research your particular aircraft 1st, then compare to the model.
Don't let this discourage you from the revell's not trumpeter or dml for sure, but it is cheap and with enough references, you can scratch or find what you'd need to make the kit really nice.
Most{if not all} of the 1/32 revell planes I have are raised panel lines....and to tell the truth, I don't feel like scribing all the lines in or reriveting everything...I just want to have fun.
LIke Allen said, try it slow and easy, and have fun.