World War II: Germany
Aircraft of Germany in WWII.
Hosted by Rowan Baylis
FW190A questions
England - North East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Thursday, September 03, 2009 - 11:06 PM UTC
I've just got the Eagle strike 1/72 home defense FW190 decal set. This provides markings for 1 A6 and 3 A5 FW190's. I have the Academy A6/A8 kit which I will obviously do as an A6. I was wondering though if there was any external differences between the A6 and A5? If there isn't anything major it occurs to me I could get another A6 and do it as an A5.
England - West Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Thursday, September 03, 2009 - 11:59 PM UTC
There are some drawings here.


A-5 and A-6 look pretty much the same to me. Someone will know better.
Uusimaa, Finland
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Posted: Friday, September 04, 2009 - 12:44 AM UTC
Aero detail #6 book says the differences between A5 and A6 were as follows:
- A5 had MG/FF outer wing cannons, A6 had MG151s --> different gun barrels protruding from the wing & different access panel and spent shell chutes under the wings. Also, there was no bulged cannon fairing on top of the wing (the Academy wing seems to have them to make an A8 that had them)
- no D/F loop antenna under the rear fuselage on A5
- gun camera on the left wing became standard equipment in A6 (~ probably fitted to some A5s and earlier variants?)

I presume the kit you're talking about is this one, at least the review says it's the A6/A8 kit re-issued. In case the kit doesn't include the inner main gear doors (at least I can't say for sure I seen them in the review's pics), you will need them as well for both A6 and A5.

There's a quite nice article on the development of the 190 on IPMS Stockholm's site, right here

Hope this helps.

Ps. Btw, I just read another review of the kit and it says it comes with both the straight and blown canopies. Are there two windscreens as well (ie. complete canopies instead of just two different sliding sections)? Also, are the clear portions free of sprue connectors and headrest/armor mounts? Having just finished Academy's Fw-190 D9, I was puzzled to find the otherwise very nicely done canopies ruined horrible large mounts for the headrest moulded inside the sliding sections.
Turku ja Pori, Finland
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Posted: Friday, September 04, 2009 - 12:52 AM UTC
Main differences between A-5 and A-6:
- Lighter wing
- Armament was increased to two MG 17 fuselage machine guns and four 20 mm MG 151/20E wing-root and outer wing cannon with larger ammunition boxes.
- New larger hatches, incorporating bulges and cartridge discharge chutes, were incorporated into the wing lower surfaces
- A loop aerial for radio-navigation, mounted on a small "teardrop" base was fitted under the rear fuselage

Edit. Eetu was faster
England - North East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Friday, September 04, 2009 - 05:23 AM UTC
I looked at the wings on my Tamiya A3 and compared them to the Academy A6, and some Hasegawa A8's and Revell A8's in my collection. The Academy A6 is the same as the A8's as you would expect in terms of the cannon bulges and the A3 is totally different.
Would the A5 have the same bulges for the outboard MG FF cannon as the A3? If it is then I think I'll just have to get a proper A5 kit if one exists!
Regarding the question about which kit I'm using - it's the older boxing of the A6/A8, not the A8+Kubelwagen. So it looks like the same kit but with different markings. As for the canopy - you get the straight one for the A6 and the Bulged one for the A8, seperate windscreen and the headrest etc is fitted prior to the canopy being installed. So the headrest does not get glued to the canopy.
Uusimaa, Finland
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Posted: Friday, September 04, 2009 - 11:57 PM UTC
The outer wing cannon bulges seem to be the same on A3 and A5.

Looking at this list of Fw-190 kits in 1:72 scale on Hobbyvista, it seems that Hasegawa's A-5 would be the one to look for.
There's also a resin conversion set for Monogram Pro-modeler/Revell A8 by Goffy Models. Here's a review.
England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Saturday, September 05, 2009 - 05:29 AM UTC

.. have to say that the Academy A-6 kit you're thinking of building is a real dog...( it's nothing like their D-9 in terms of quality)... from the wings to the cowl to the rudder, its all wrong I'm afraid. The wing is like a barn door and there is no rudder or armoured cowl ring to speak of - not to mention the undercarriage which is far too long and bulky. Here's a comparison shot with the Revell A-8 - the Academy kit (with replacement Airfix rudder) is on the right. Note there are no upper outer wing bulges on an A-5, A-6, they are removed here on the Academy kit...

England - North East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Saturday, September 05, 2009 - 07:05 AM UTC
It's built now, waiting for markings. I don't think i'll get another one as it's too much work to make it into an A5 and as you say there are better A8's anyway. I still have some Revell and Hasegawa A8/F8's to do - can't have too many 190s!
I can totally agree about the landing gear, it is too long, I can tell without having to sit it next to another model. I don't think it's the worst model ever though and mine fitted together without any problems. Regards Academy's D9, I have mine in a mini display case, it's the Papagei Staffel version and very nice it is too! I've even got a Hasegawa D9 to do in Rudel's markings.
England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Saturday, September 05, 2009 - 11:15 AM UTC

Quoted Text

It's built now, waiting for markings.

Okay, sorry I got the impression you were still considering options

Quoted Text

- can't have too many 190s!

haven't built one for a while - 11 at last count...

Quoted Text

I don't think it's the worst model ever though and mine fitted together without any problems


..I think it's horrible..the shape of virtually every major component is just plain wrong...there's a thread over on ww2aircraft.net - some mad Pole is trying to build & correct it - thread now runs to some thirty pages or so ...
England - North East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Sunday, September 06, 2009 - 07:58 AM UTC
I'm starting to agree with you more. I now don't like the look of the front end - the cowling looks too big and too open. What I meant by not the worst kit in the world is that it went together easily and had no fit problems and also the surface detail isn't bad. I won't be buying anymore, if I want an A5 I will look and wait for a Hasegawa one.
England - North East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Tuesday, September 08, 2009 - 07:05 AM UTC
I've noticed Hobby Boss do an A6 and it doesn't look too bad. I've ordered it, so I'll see what thats like. So far all the Hobby Boss stuff I've seen is nice and neat and good value for money and great fun to build!