Really nice work, Nigel! I like those gun barrels and the undercarriage looks great...wonderful attention to detail. Overall it looks terrific, and it's nice models like this that make me think I should be building more of the larger scales.
I've yet to acquaint myself with Tamiya's 1/72 P47s, but when I do get around to it I'll check out (probably with) its 1/48th big brother....hey, I can see some great formation photography with the two of them! Do they come with pilot figures?
Anyway, I can see it's a beautifully produced kit to begin with, and probably the most convincing representation of a P47D on the plastic kit market to date, but I'm especially impressed by your detail work on this one, as well as the overall finish. And a nice a little encounter with the man who flew the real thing too, who was probably just as honoured as you were to have him give it his personal endorsement. I hope you keep it safe!
All the best,