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Our Aeroscale member Mikko (Callsign "Familyman") offers these comments.
Quoted Text
". . .These came to my local model shop recently. Both have the same plastic, resin and PE parts as well as lozenge decal. Only the decal sheet with national markings are different in the D.VIa and D.VIb boxes. Or at least if I got it right. I purchased only the D.VIa version, but I had a quick peek in the D.VIb box, too.
So, unfortunately, the D.VIb comes also with a resin Mercedes. The Karaya Benz Bz. IV fits in the nose - with some sanding- , but looks ridiculously oversized there
The plastic is light greenish greyish yellow in colour. The extra cooling slots Rowan scratched to his Blue Max kit are also missing in this Fly kit:
There is only one propeller, which looks like the one on the nose of the Cracow museum D.VIb. Germania perhaps? How did the Axial of the D.VIa looked like anyway? same as the Axial propellers on Fokker D.VIIs?
The rib tape detail is excessive, but might be handy, when you put on the rib tape decal, so do not sand it down completely. . .I think the Blue Max kit wins here. But nowhere else! With a good will you can see overlapped planks on the Fly kit's fuselage too. . .That's enough for me in this scale.
I paid 30 euros for my kit. Not actually cheap, but ok considering there is usable lozenge decal, PE mg jackets and a cool resin engine in the box.
Mine are enroute as of yesterday. 31 Euros 1 each - shipping all in.