Unfortunately, the accuracy of this Ki-48 kit seems extraordinarily poor...
A few issues, probably not an exhaustive list by any stretch...
-Rear fuselage too deep or too short by a massive amount.
-Fin leading edge angle far too sloped, but trimmable considering excessive chord.
-The nose deck profile angle ahead of the windshield is enormously too steep...
-As a consequence of the previous, the nose glass is extremely pointy in profile and not deep and rounded enough at the front... The amount involved is likely gigantic, unless I am badly mistaken...
-Windshield side quaterlights are near triangles: They should be trapeze-shaped...
-Cowlings far too square at the front.
-Cowling top intakes far too deep.
-Spinner shape so different from pictures one can only assume they are a variant. It is likely they are just terrible...
Here are a few relevant pictures from which the observations were made:
Fuselage profile:
http://www.warbirdphotographs.com/ArmyJB&W3/Ki-48-24.jpg http://www.warbirdphotographs.com/ArmyJB&W/Ki-48-11.jpg http://www.warbirdphotographs.com/ArmyJB&W3/Ki-48-50s.jpg http://www.legatokits.cz/Plastic48/Ki48%20Lily/Foto-%20003.jpg http://www.legatokits.cz/Plastic48/Ki48%20Lily/Ki-48%20Lily%20test%20shot%20002.jpg Nose slope/ clear parts/ cowl issues:
http://www.legatokits.cz/Plastic48/Ki48%20Lily/Ki-48%20Lily%20test%20shot%20047.jpg http://www.warbirdphotographs.com/ArmyJB&W/Ki-48-6.jpg If this was a mainstream injected model, I would say it is one of the worst major new mainstream releases I have seen since the Accurate Miniatures B-25 of nine years ago, and in fact it shares some of the same problems, such as the clear nose, the canopy and the cowlings...
Even Eduard's FW-190A series or Tamiya's Fi-156 Storch are not quite in the same league of awfulness, which to me is saying something...
It is really sad to see such an important subject treated with such apparent contempt. With the exception of Dragon's Ju-188E variant and Tamiya's G4M1 Betty, one only has to look at Monogram's excellent B-17G or B-26B to see how far down 1/48th multi-engine WWII bombers have regressed since the 1970's...
P.S. Trumpeteer's Wellington is a decent effort, but is really marred by the crushed cockpit canopy and its super-thick window frames. AMT's A-20 has something really wrong with the excessive diameter of its cowling/nacelles, but it is truly an excellent effort otherwise, and the cowl problem is not really that noticeable, except for the thin "lips"...