Hi Nick
I've got several airbrushes and I've used the Eclipse HP-BS that's on your list for several years and it's a lovely airbrush. But, rather going along with what Matt says, properly set up, your existing BD-800 looks like it should be able to give very good results too.
It's a common mistake (and don't get me wrong - I've made it too!
) to believe that "The Ultimate Answer" is always the next, more expensive piece of equipment. That is a never ending quest. Fair enough if you just love buying gadgets - I'm the first to admit, there's no fun like a new toy! But check out my Review of the
Premi-Air G35. It isn't quite as good as my Iwata or Harder & Becker, but it costs a 1/4 of the price(!) - and if I'm honest, I doubt that anyone looking at one of my finished models would be able to tell which of my airbrushes I'd used...
I think, somehwere in all that waffle,what I'm trying to say is - learn to get the most out of the equipment you have before you reach for your wallet, or you could end up very disappointed. If you're unhappy with the results you're getting, check your BD-800 is really clean and not damaged in any way - and, like Matt says, so much depends on controlling the air-flow properly. Just getting a compressor with a regulator a few years ago was an eye-opener for me in terms of finishing - and the external MAC valve is something I now definitely want to try with all my airbrushes.
All the best