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Sludge Wash.. what am I doing wrong?
Busan, Korea / 대한민국
Joined: June 11, 2006
KitMaker: 171 posts
AeroScale: 5 posts
Posted: Tuesday, November 17, 2009 - 07:57 PM UTC
Hi there, again. I have a question. Every time I use a sludge wash I mix black pigments in washer with dish detergent. The wash goes on fine.. but when I try and take it off there is always stains left on it.

I dont know why, but maybe it has to do with the time I allowed the clear coat to dry?
Should the clear coat dry for at least 24 hrs before applying the wash?

Am I making the wash wrong? What are sludges wash mixtures you recommend. Is dish detergent not good?

I just don't know .. should I use oils and turpentine?
please help me!
Scotland, United Kingdom
Joined: February 07, 2008
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Posted: Tuesday, November 17, 2009 - 09:20 PM UTC
If you are getting stains. either your gloss coat is not glossy enough or smoothly applied, or the wash is in contact for too long.

I use future(Klear) floor polish usually brushed on. Sprayed on is probably better as you remove the risk of brush marks or bubbles in the finish.

I pretty much just follow this

I've used ground chalks, poster paints, inks dilute with water.

To reduce the time the wash is in contact with an area only do sections at a time. not the whole model.
Say, one side of one wing. so that the wash doesn't fully dry onto the model.

Good luck.