Thanks for the comments. To answer some questions:
Yes, there was a fair amount of filling to do-especially around the wing roots, and the machine gun section that drops into the fwd part of the fuselage. The rear stabilizers needed some fill as well. The area around where the wingroots curl under the fuselage at the leading edge of the wings took some extra care but turned out ok.
The cowling turned out much better than I thought it would. Besides the seam created when glueing it together, there are some problems with the mold that causes some 'scratches' in some areas. The seam from glueing it together took most of my time. To avoid having to use any filler, I made sure I got plenty of glue on the seam and squeezed it together good to get liquid plastic coming from the seam all the way around. That way all I had to do was file away the excess. A set of needle files will be needed to clean it all up. It turned out great when I was finished and you can't even tell it was two parts glued together. Whew!
I am building the unspatted version so I can use the parts AMtech molded for the kit because I'm doing this build as a review for them. The modification to the kit isn't hard to do and is explained well in the instructions. Just be sure you trial fit often when making the changes. Again, needle files are indispensable on this step.
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Either way, I can't help wishing AMtech had included new wheels... and some of the rather crude small parts (bomb-racks etc).
The wheels look ok to me, at least they didn't come in two halves.
The new resin cockpit is great looking. The instructions are good on how to install it and it does look great. Unforunately, all of it besides the seat and a small portion of the instrument panel are hidden once you get the fuselage together.
One more thing. Be sure to prime before painting. I found a new product made by RuseOleum here in the states that's called a plastic primer meant for patio furniture and other plastics. The stuff worked great as a primet for this kit. It comes in a spray can and you can find it where ever paints are sold. I found it at Home Depot.
I'll be writing a full-build review and article when finished to detail the entire build.