All of this still begs my original question: is the kit's interior good enough to carry the Eduard PE without the necessity of a resin cockpit? At what point is it overkill or just changing one form of upgrade with another?
I realize these are personal preferences in some cases: a resin cockpit doesn't always have the level of detailing of well-done PE, but is a kind of "one stop shopping" that avoids the need for wiring and other "fiddly bit" as you Brits call 'em, LOL!
But in some cases, there's a real substantive difference between a well-done resin upgrade and putting lipstick on a pig through a PE upgrade. For example, the Eduard set for the RoG BF-110 G is nice enough, but the kit cockpit is ALL WRONG, and the PE won't save it-- you need the hard-to-find Jerry Rutman resin cockpit (reviewed on Aeroscale by me
here), and even that is problematical on certain levels.
I do agree this baby is huge, though. Very much looking forward to tackling it after my Hasegawa Galland FW-190 A6.