An embarrassingly long time ago I received Hasegawa's 1/32 Kawasaki Ki61-I Hien (Tony) ‘68th Flight Regiment’, and reviewed it here: Ki-61 68th Flight Regiment.
After moving across the country and starting a new job and family, I have finally gotten to a point where I can start building models again. It has been 3 years since my last model, with the exception of two railcars I built for the Stop, Look & Listen campaign.
Wish me luck, I can barely remember which end of the X-acto to hold... My first submissions:
The horizontal stabilizers fit so well that tube glue (can't find my liquid glue yet) bonded the halves without a seam!
The cockpit is shaping up...
The spinner over the back plate will need some TLC.

Stay tuned, more on the way!