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One curious mismatch I found in my research, and I wonder if Mansur Mustafin can confirm: Measurements I got from a Me-109E, from below the canopy at the front of the mobile canopy portion, at 90° from that to the wingtop, indicate to me a 1.6 inches (41 mm) difference of depth with the F/G/K series, implying the Me-109E has 41 mm thinner wings at or near the wing spar... This would mean the same main modular fuselage portion should not be used for the Me-109E and the Me-109F/G/Ks: it is nearly a whole 1 mm in difference on fuselage side depth...
Here are the measurements I was given for the "Flying heritage" Me-109E in Washington state (a fully original airframe found buried in a beach in France), and those I made for the F (an unrestored airframe found intact in Russia):
F: Mobile canopy front-to-wingtop at 90°: 26 inches: 660.4 mm.
E: 27.6 inches: 701 mm...
The whole question is: Are those "Flying Heritage" E measurements correct... It IS a completely different wing...
In any case, with this new Zvezda Me-109F, it is already clear to me from these photos that the Hasegawa kits will be finally exposed as the hopeless warts that they always were...
Good riddance! A real Me-109... Finally!
Many thanks to Zvezda and all those involved...
Hello Gaston!
I'm here. Well I own both 109F and 109E fuselage blueprints so I can help you with your question. but also if you look at Moelders W.Nr 5628 you'll see that it has 109E fuselage afterpart with canopy and wing joints.
The 1 mm difference could be because of some angle inconsistence, however the drawings of these sections may help. I will find them out my archive and put it on forum
Concerning the controversal oppinions on whether 109F-2 had one-piece upper wing sheer or a three piece I can say that according to a Ersatzteilliste 109Fs had two type of wings:
K50/K51 (left and right) and F500/F501.
K50/K51 wing was common for WNF F-1 and F-2 and Erla F-2 with squared wheel wells and it had one-piece upper sheet.
The latter one (500/501) had enforced rib also used to mount underwing MG 151/20 and was really introduced on WNF F-4s and other F-4s, underwing guns for them were mounted in Tarnewitz for the first 109F-4s of I/JG52.
This wing had three piece upper sheet and rouded wheel wells.
Also in 1940 and in 1941 there were about 20 to 30 aerial incidents due to weak wing structure problems because one-piece upper sheet, and some wings were reinforced using additional plates near wingroot and later on K500/501 wing was introduced for F-2 but it came into production only on F-4s.
Regards, Mansur.