I've been going over the kit with the proverbial fine-toothed comb. Preface everything I'm going to say with "this is a really nice kit!" - and one I'm ecstatic that Squadron/CM has brought out. I'm just pointing out some minor stuff that I've come across for the nitpickers among us.
1. Late model USAF birds had a different main wheel hub. It was nearly flat, and didn't have any kind of spokes at all. It looks similar to an F-106 main wheel (was it the same wheel??).
2. Late model USAF birds had the pitot tubes (2 instead of 1) mounted up on the sides of the fuselage aft of the gun access panels. Early ones had an L shaped pitot under the nose as does the kit.
3. The NACA scoops on the gun access panels are not present on many T-33s. I'm glad they put them there, but be aware you need to remove them for many a/c.
4. As I think has been noted, and according to an ex-T-33 pilot I know, the T-bird was *always* parked with the flaps extended and the air brakes open. Gently, gently prod Harold in the ribs guys!
5. There is no trim tab on the trailing edge of the rudder in the kit. There should be. But being as you'll need to drastically thin down the rudder t/e anyway, it's easy to add.
6. Contrary to pronouncements by 'experts', the tip tanks are exactly the right length and diameter, and the curves and straightaways are exactly where they should be. This is based on detailed measurements of the actual tank provided to me by Bruce Radebaugh. End of conversation on that.
Here's the thread on ARC about the kit and my findings on the rudder chord:
http://www.arcforums.com/forums/air/index.php?showtopic=209132 J