Stephen& Rowan,
I pulled an old Monogram Fokker D.VII out of th attic this morning and compared the kit parts to the new Datafile.I was surprised that the old kit is very close to the drawings.The fuselage is nearly spot on to my eyes requiring a little surgery to move to cockpit forward the fabricate the second gunners cockpit.Which would be located very close to the exact location of the original cockpit.I didn't have time to measure everything out as of yet,but as I said it's very close.
As for the wings,ah there's the rub.Both the upper and lower wing look very good cordwise,but are short in span.Roughly 10mm at each tip.Noted that the upper wings flaps are also differently shaped and that the rib spacing is not the same as well.
All and all I believe that a conversion is doable here to say the least.But as I said easier it's going to require a little sugary.For me what comes to mind is using two kits,the second would be the wing donor to allow me to increase the span of the kit wings to match the drawings.I suppose you could use the Dragon,Eduard's or the Rodin D.VII as well.But that approach will be much more involved.That's kind of a deal killer for me as I'm not really wanting another Frankenwing project. But I must admit this approach would cure the Monogram/Aurora/Smer wing cross sections short comings.I believe I've fund my next conversion project.
Gregory Jouette