Until recently it has been possible to edit even very old posts (several years old), since last week or so the edit function disappears within hours after posting time.
I once used the edit function to fix all my old build blogs when my ISP changed all server addresses. It was quite a bit of work (and yes, I know there is a big Rainman-warning on doing it) but it was made possible by an "eternal" edit function. If this had happened today, the problem would have been unfixable and all my old build blogs had been dead. Or at least quite uninteresting without any photos...
Another thing that I use (or rather intended to use) the edit function for was this, "the collection". I intended to add every model I build to the first post in this thread, just to keep them in one place and have a starting point to get to the blogs. This is now impossible. Finally, I think that Jean-Luc, Rowan and possibly even Jim will have the same problem as I (or they might have better editing possibilities than I since they are staff?).
Finally, I use edit to fix a spelling mistake every now and then. Not that it makes me a Shakespeare but it slowly improves the literary values of my blogs

Any comments on the above? Does anyone know why it has been altered? Was it misused in any way? I really want it back, what do you think?
