Hi all,
Thank you for your kind comments. I can imagine a lot of people would have liked to make the trip with us...
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Did Eduard state any reasons for dropping the priority on the F-4 Phantom line? That is very disappointing news. So they are going to do a 1/32 Spit Mk. iX? Do they not know that Tamiya have already produced an excellent kit of the same airplane. And do we need more Me-109s? Well, at least we will get some nice MiG-21s.
I don't really know why Eduard have dropped the Phantom. Maybe the risk is too big with the Chinese manufacturers on the same market segment? Modern stuff is not my speciality so maybe Steffen has a better answer to give.
The Spitfire Mk.IX was already announced just before Tamiya put their model on the market. I'm sure the people at Eduard would have preferred to have the exclusivity but if they manage to do a nice but much cheaper model than the Tamiya one (without an engine for example but with a detailed PE cockpit), it will sell nevertheless. Same for the Bf109s. I'm sure they will sell as well as the Fw190 series. Good is that Eduard always do very attractive boxings.
fact is that Eduard is no longer a short run manufacturer which can afford it to design kits that will only sell in the 1000 or 2000 ex. range. They have to choose subjects with much more potential.