Yes, this is a big model even in this scale. It measure 55cm by 47cm when built, so nearly double it for 1/72nd scale. All the decals were added, the main wings had about 256 on each one, more details are on my website about it.
As to building it, Revell made a couple of mistakes on it. If you want the nose closed, the fuselage is wider then the nose section so some major surgery needs to be done for it to fit. On this livery scheme, the sections of blue strip decal along the side are not long enough to do the whole length.
Otherwise, it's not a bad model when built. Myself, I painted and added the decals to the main wings when they were separate from the fuselage and glued them in place at the end. So go and get one, adding all those decals is good therapy for you, or you'll need it afterwards.