Hi Jake,
This might help a little:
Tamiya 1/48 Spit, DW-O There may be a couple of errors in the markings; I believe that the upper wing roundels were NOT the 56" "B" type but a much smaller version. I think that the correct size, or near correct size, are on the decal sheet. The box top painting may also show the correct way round for the codes on the port side. I did them the same as the starboard side because they are overlarge (but correct for this Squadron). Spitfires normally wore 24" codes, these are more like 36". The "A" type fuselage roundels are also oversize, but again correct for this Squadron.
Camo colours are; Sky (which is a light greeny grey, not a blue colour) undersurfaces, with Dark Darth and Dark Green uppersurfaces. Also note that the fin flash is reversed, with the blue leading, compare it with the flash on DW-K.
Oh and also note that the crowbar in the door should not be red, but was probably gloss black.
I hope this helps.