I have a question on the F15 paint scheme as shown on the image below. The transistion between the light grey and light blue. Is this a sharp transition or one that is blended? If its sharp I can accomplish this by using a tape or masking medium. If it is a blended transistion is the best way to accomplish this by using a air brush? The masking option is easy. The blended one would require a bit of information on how to accomplish this.
"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."
- Thomas Jefferson
Florida, United States Joined: January 14, 2009
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When reduced down I assume your building 1/48 it would look like a masked line.If you want to go the other route I normally would freehand with a fine line then fill in.I'm sure somebody has a better idea but this works for me.
"From time to time, the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of
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- Thomas Jefferson
Illinois, United States Joined: December 28, 2006
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When reduced down I assume your building 1/48 it would look like a masked line.If you want to go the other route I normally would freehand with a fine line then fill in.I'm sure somebody has a better idea but this works for me.
Yes it is 1:48th scale. I'm working on the Tamyia F15C Version. I like the model with the exception of how the air intakes are put together. What a pain. I could not get them right.
"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."
- Thomas Jefferson
New York, United States Joined: January 29, 2004
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It's a soft edge, looking at the blue line is where the paint ends, and the red line is a pencil line (softly) drawn one. Then I just follow it using low pressure, this will blend in, then just fill in bring up the pressue slightly. Try it out on a piece of cardboard to get the hang of it.