She looks very nice. Good job on her. Only a few nit-picky critiques. In the configuration you have (pitot tube ob the roof, blade antenna, no FM homing antennae on the nose) it is actually a UH-1H. Next, the vertical antennae/grab handles behind the pilots' doors were not used until the late '70's, after Vietnam. Most were on foreign Hueys and not US Army Hueys as well. Also, you have the position marker lights reversed. Port, left side, is red and the starboard, right side is green. Lastly, there should only be one grab handle on top of the fuselage behind the pilots door on the starboard side where the square steps are. There should not be handle on the roof behind the main cabin doors either. There are no steps on the port side and there are hand holds built into the rear area. Other than the above, it looks great.