Nice casting alright, but just like their Prat-229 exhaust, the exhaust duct liner looks like the inside of an oil filter than the fine perforated ripple duct of the real F110-100/129 Exhaust.
Again with the “improper nomenclature”, as the engine fan R4 (the part that replaces the kit intake fan) is only for the GE F110-100, which is specific to Block 30 and 40. The GE F110-100 Front Fan section has 17 IGVs (Inlet Guide Vanes), while the GE F110-129 of the “Block 50” F-16s has only 13 IGVs. In a nutshell, the kit fan is correct for a -129 and Eduard’s for the -100. The exhaust assembly is the same for both the GE-100 and 129, so there’s no problem as far as that application goes.
I was not impressed with the inside nozzle detail. The Divergent and Convergent flap detail is not all that representative of the warped-rippled characteristics of the real ones. Aires did a little better in this area on their GE Exhaust, but Shawn Hull’s are even better. It seems like the compound contours of the GE Turkey feathers are lacking, just as in the kit part.
Over all for a new product of this Exhaust type, they failed to best Aires or Shaun Hull’s GE Exhaust; the later being the best and most accurate overall.
Mike V