A very good and accurate review, Stephen!
I've got nothing much to add, except maybe this about the forward firing MG:
Your kit, # 48010, has fuselage halves for the first production version with a blunt nose and no spinner, right? I don't think that version actually had a forward firing mg installed, so the fuselage halves are probably right. Karaya seems to have the same PE set - and same assembly instructions! - for every boxing of the kit and you have to fix the instrument panel for this first production batch version. No scratch built ammo boxes are needed and you can also use the nice Karaya mg for an other model!
I had some interesting information about the Telefunken transmitter after I had finished my model. A fellow Finnish modeler Heikki Lappalainen had come across a photo taken inside the observers cockpit of DWF C.V. The radio equipment had been installed on a plywood wall in front of the cockpit just under the extra Parabellum ammobelt reel boxes (these are nicely detailed in the Karaya kit, too!) and behind the fuel tank. There is no such plywood panel in the cockpit of the Cracow museum DFW. So my scratch built radio on the port side of the observers cockpit might be in the wrong place.