Hello everyone,

Back when I was around 14 I worked exclusively on aircraft models as a hobby. I haven't been in the modeling scene since and I'm wanting to start again. I'm so out of the loop I don't even know where to start.
I know I want to work with seaplanes and civil/military transport planes mostly. Since I’m older and have money to spend I’d like to try airbrushing to weather my aircraft models as well.
Back when I was a kid we just picked up models at the local hobby shop with ease. Now hobby shops practically don't exist and I have to find them online.
Here's a few questions I have to start modeling again, if you don't mind helping me out.
What’s a good aircraft modeling site to buy from?
I'm going to need a good starter kit for paint/brushes/knifes/airbursh. Any recommendations?
I found these two aircraft I really like. What should I expect with these scales? One is 1-144, the other is 1-48 and lastly how is this site mentioned in the links below credibility to purchase from?
Thanks again in advance, and sorry for all the questions.