Yes, I actually finished one! Amazing. This is Eduard's 1:48 scale Albatros D.V Weekend Edition. Not a bad kit overall, but the locators on all struts were ambiguous, at best. This is a very fiddly kit, with a wealth of delicate and easily broken parts (not a complaint, just a warning to the sausage-fingered modelers out there!). Rigging is polyester monofilament ("invisible" thread). This is only my second biplane, and I can safely say that when building bipes there is a sequence to follow if you want to avoid hair loss later. However, I regard this build as a test bed, and I look forward to the day when I will build myself the 1:32 Wingnut Wings Albatros kit. I threw together a display base from a pine plaque, stained and grassed with railroad grass of varying colors.
Enjoy the pics-
(Note: If red X's appear instead of photos, refresh the page. NetSol's server is occasionally flakey.)