Bill, I agree it went together well and to be honest in a lot of details it outshone Eduards, I stole quite a few parts like the droptank and mounting, the oleo leg hinges and more. Eduards really was poor here. Trumpeters engine is beautiful, though likely a tad underscale.
The main issues were:-
Cockpit, it is wrong, very wrong, fixable with a resin replacement of course.
Trailing edges of aerlerons thick. (Yes I know..I have spelling issues with aerleron)
The lower fuselage is too sguare at the wingroot and under the nose beneath the exhaust, I think a little later 109 crept into the equation there!
Now I'm not slating the kit, all in all its a nice build, and some of the detailing is excellent, The etch for the wheelwells actually fits, unlike Eduards. Especially for the price Trumpeter set and honestly the Eduard has as many issues, Eduard seemed to use incorrect plans, it has handholds etc on both sides and location and size of them and some of the prominent features are way out.
Laying both kits and parts side by side I was suprised to find so many variations and was aware of talk of dimensional issues with Eduards.
As an aside another thing building both brought to light by building both was a seeming simplification of parts in Eduards kit that just happen to have superdetailed parts released in their Etch and new Brassin range..not that I'm inferring anything, but it hints to me at least of a little modeller milking.
But by they get round to releasing such goodies the aftermarket boys have often stepped in and stole the show it has benefits.