I 've just learned Vector (Russia made Nomega Resin) is making good on thier Promise to make a 1/32 Clearget engine.
They have had this enigne out in 1/48 resin for quite some time and have had a 'Photo' Posted of a 1/32nd version for just about as long but to date it had been a photo.
Due to expressed intrest directly from comsumers at a very recent trade show they are going forward with production.
No pricing or ordering info is availalbe yet. But normally their engines retial for $18.00 give or take.
SPrue Borthers has the best price but a limited stock. GreatModels as well will have them. I received a small discount for them last year and posted them in the classifed section. I couldnt however compete with the large retail volume discount these other stores have but at the time had stock while they were out.
Sometimes too Huge volume stores like this like the Pricing war practices of Legacy Air carriers they are so huge they can afford to take a loss on one product to move it out the door or set a market low price while thye jack up prices on another product and make the difference.
Any Hoo. Point IS I;d wait or at least complete every thing else Firewall RearWard unitl it comes out. Alhtough if it takes too long, persoanlly I will be forced to be commited to moving forward with Scratch building the double Rocker arm/valve assemblies on the top of these engines which make them so distinctive from a combo of the Kit engine, Styrene sheet & rod and PART PE Sopwith Camel Sheet.
Bezza did a nice job "kit bashing/converting" his kit part enigne for his Sop Tripe build. He probalby had the right idea concentrateing his added detail to the enigne face as that is what is most visable through the cowl. In fact it's probalby NOT neccessary at all to fuss with the tops of the clyindars on that kit part since so much is obsured by the cowl unlike a Fokker cowl which hangs half of the whole enigne out of the bottom. Only it Irk's me so I's like to have the nicer engine.
Vector is TOP of the line with thier accuarcy and you pay for it. I suppose arguabley it becomes a rub to add such expensive After Market Parts to Any kit, but hey ? What the heck ?
Just thought I'd let all of those who've recently added that kit to their Stashes the news.
Yours Mike