Published in 2010 by Karaya II (yes, the same Karaya otherwise known as a manufacturer of excellent resign kits)
ISBN 978-83-931751-0-9
Size A-4, soft cover,
64 pages including:
- English and Polish text,
- 5 pages of colour profiles and
- 26 pages of drawings in 1:72 and 1:48 scales. Profiles and scale plans prepared by Jacek KECAY Jackiewicz.
It seems to be the first book in a series WWI Wings (and I hope it will not be the last one).
The book covers the history of development and use of all-metal monoplanes designed by Hugo Junkers – from the very beginnings (it means 1 February 1912 when a patent No 253788 was granted on the first metal airframe) till the last two examples of D.I captured and examined by Soviets in 1920. The text has been illustrated with 29 photos, 16 colour profiles and scale planes of following machines: J.2 251/16, J.2 252/16, J.7-1, J.7-2, J.7-3, J.7-4, J.7-5, J.9 and J.9A (each one in both 1:72 and 1:48 scale)."

Jadar Link
I don't have this book yet but I will do a review when it comes to hand.