For this GB I'm diving into the hangar and dragging out a project that I started about 15 years ago (gasp) and put it away again because my skills and tools weren't where I wanted them to be for this project.
I'm doing the Revell 1/28 Sopwith F1, but with a bit of a twist ! Here's where it sits right now...
It was brush painted back then, so I will do some sanding and repaint with the airbrush. And now for the twist. I want to create a display in a sealed acrylic case with the aircraft, the newly released Hasegawa 1/6 Clerget engine kit (which I have on pre-order), and this relic from an original Sopwith F 1 . . .
My grandfather was an ANZAC in The Great War, fought at Gallipolli, Ypres, The Somme and several other major battles, was injured several times, but made it home. His brother was killed in action. I have my grandfathers diaries in my posession, and I have been slowly transcribing them over the past few years. I have not found exactly when or where this relic came into his possession yet, and I know there are a couple of diaries missing, but my father recalls one of the very few conversations where his father spoke of the war, and it appears that a Camel force landed nearby to him and was damaged beyond repair, so it was pulled apart by our guys and some "souvenirs" were kept.
The engraving on the prop hub is as follows:
G416 N 73
AD 644 R H
D 2590
P 2650
The meaning of some of this is obvious, but if any guru's out there can shed some light on the numbers I would be most grateful.
Anyway, I won't be doing too much on this until the second half of the year due to other Campaign commitments, but if I sneak in any progress I'll keep you up to date. I will probably ask you guys for some help down the track, these things with strings scare me a bit !!
Good luck with all of your builds for this GB.
Cheers, D