I have decided to start with the BoB aircraft and am sticking to 1:48. I have finished a Spitfire MkI and am in the middle of painting Adolf Galland's Me 109. The Stuka is next, to be followed by a Hurricane and finally an He 111. I am trying to achieve as high a standard as I can, and am constantly thinking about how do the best job. I would appreciate any advice and comments, good and bad, as I go along.
I am about to start Italeri's 1:48 BoB JU-87. It looks like a good kit, including some photo-etched bits, which I've never used before. I've primed the cockpit parts and am about to paint them RLM 2. Am using Tamiya paints which seem to work well for me. I would try to get hold of Gunze if I could, but cant seem to find any in the UK. Is this true?
While I'm starting the cockpit, here are some pics of the Spitfire. I am pleased with it, but forgot the cardinal rule with weathering. Less is more. When putting the finishing touches on it, spraying what a thought was a fine layer of watered down black to make it look as if it had seen some action, I managed to overspray it, making it look as if it had been covered in soot from a hangar fire. Anyway....