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Decalling disaster!
Roma, Italy
Joined: January 28, 2006
KitMaker: 1,368 posts
AeroScale: 377 posts
Posted: Saturday, June 04, 2011 - 09:17 PM UTC
Hello all,
yesterday evening I was decalling my Revell P-47D using the French markings provided in the box. I just applied a couple of roundels and one of the fuselage numbers and used some Mr. Mark Softer afterwards., applying at least a couple coats of it over the decals. This resulted in damaging the markings: the blue dots in the middle of the roundels were deformed and the numbers damaged, and some blueish stains appeared over the white areas! It is sth. I never experienced with this product!
Just a pity because the paintjob was very satisfying to me!
The white fuselage numbers could be easily fixed with some airbrush strokes, but the roundels are gone. I thought I could apply some red patches to simulate a repair after being hit by enemy bullets... Any suggestion (besides stripping the paint and restarting)?