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My 1st response got lost in cyber space. What I said was...
Thanks Stephen, it's good to be back. (Didn't notice the "bit of fun" link the 1st time so thanks for that too
Lance the wood is mahogany and basswood. This small instrument is for a German plane so don't mean "fluginwhirleymajigenstien"?
My wonderful German Grandmother referred to such unidentifiable widgets as "loottleladdles" ; I would say your version is closer to being accurate. How about "eine flugenwhirleymajigen der Fliegertruppe "?
Now, that's silly! On a serious note I'm going to visit the great Canadian woodworking loottleladdle store (Lee Valley Tools) on my next trip to the big city, they sell a "grab bag" of small veneer samples without adhesive backing that should hopefully provide for dozens of props at the least. If it works out I'll let you know; should be a good source.
Your link is great, always more to learn for sure.