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Decal setting solutions
Roma, Italy
Joined: January 28, 2006
KitMaker: 1,368 posts
AeroScale: 377 posts
Posted: Saturday, October 22, 2011 - 08:50 PM UTC
Hello all,
yesterday I started decalling my Revell Super Hornet and used Mr. Mark Softer to help the decals settle down on the surface. I used Mark Softer several times and for the second time I experience trouble with this stuff when using it over Revell decals: some got damaged and the product reacted with the (Gunze!) acrylic paint I used for the paintjob leaving some stains around the markings.
The result is not that bad but some touch up will be necessary, and of course I' not 100% satisfied.
The last time I used Mark Softer it over Revell decals - 1/72 P-47 - they literally deformed. I had to strip the paint off the model and had to spend quite a bit of €€€ to get an Eagle Cals sheet which thankfully performed very well with Mr. Mark Softer after some testing.
I think some of the decals provided by Revell are too weak to resist Mr. Mark Softer, especially if they are printed with matt paint, such as the ones provided with the Thunderbolt. In fact, I didn't experience any trouble with the decals provided for the Hunter, which were glossier and IIRC provided by DACO, as well as the ones included in the Super Hornet boxing. That's why I decided to use Mark Softer also this time.
I don't feel like spending money for a new decal sheet - it's not that cheap - nor I feel like stripping the paintjob and restarting, but it's the LAST time I use Mr. Mark Softer over Revell decals.
Any advice for an alternative and less aggressive softening product?
Thanks and enjoy your Sunday!