The Hasegawa kit is quite troublesome to assemble in the wingroots, has an inferior canopy whose sides do not slope enough by quite a noticeable amount (though most seem to ignore it), and if I remember correctly does not show the leading edge washout which is a very visible feature of the entire leading edge...
It is also 2 mm short in the fuselage from rudder post to the rear of the canopy.
That this set is intended for the Hasegawa a bit baffling to me, as it gives the impression that by spending more you will have the equivalent of the new 1/48th Tamiya Zero... Not even close...
I think rather than buy the Hasegawa kit, even on a steep rebate, and add this cockpit set, you are still far ahead with a new Tamiya kit for the final result, and for not much more...
Now if this was intended for the Tamiya kit from the start, I would be more interested...