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Italeri's 1/72 Kfir - C7 or C2?
Singapore / 新加坡
Joined: April 05, 2009
KitMaker: 120 posts
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Posted: Friday, November 18, 2011 - 03:12 PM UTC
Hi all,

I am working on Italeri's 1/72 Kfir for the current "Sands of Israel" campaign, and I have some questions for any experts out there

1) I am really no expert on this aircraft (or any other for that matter lol), but does this kit represents a C2 or C7? I read somewhere online that it is a C2, rather than a C7 as advertised by Italeri. Can anyone clarify this?

2) Italeri only provide a centreline fuel tank and 2 "side-winder" missiles... if I want to outfit my Kfir in a ground-attack role, what should I be adding? Again from online sources, seems the Kfir is usually outfitted with 2 drop-tanks and a MER on the centre hardpoint?

Many thanks in advance!
British Columbia, Canada
Joined: September 03, 2009
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Posted: Saturday, November 19, 2011 - 03:47 AM UTC
From what I've read the answer is "Neither". It's sort of a C-7 but not quite.