Anyone considering building the 1:48th B-24 kit should be aware that to restitute the correct fuselage cross-section, I have just found out I need to put a roughly 1:8th inch thick piece of plastic card spacer throughout the entire contact surface between the two fuselage halves (a touch less around the tail)... That is, a 1:8th inch (3 mm) spacer on the model itself, not the full size aircraft...
In keeping with this, the tailplanes are 4 mm (8 scale inches) short in span vs actual dimensions furnished by Iain Willie.
I know this being on my fourth kit of trying to convert this to a C-87 (keeping more and more of the puttied nose each time), said C-87 being a lot smoother than a bomber version, and thus much easier on blending out all of this (no bomb bays, turrets etc)...
Anyone interested in an accurate model of the B-24 should take measurements from the recent 1:72 Hasegawa kit: These will illustrate how off the 1:48th kit is, quite exactly and in almost every respect: It is probably one of the best kits Hasegawa, or anyone else, has ever done...