Though the wing hinge details appear to be better than that offered from the box in the Hobby Boss kit, the Hobby Boss TBF kit is still a far better choice than the Accurate Miniatures kit from an overall accuracy point of view.
The HB kit has a few more recessed rivets, but they are not problematic.
The Accurate Miniatures tail surfaces hinges are, on the other hand, far, far superior, and are a must-have kit bash option in my opinion, given the relatively low prices of the AM kit these days...
The chord of the AM wing is slightly off as well, seemingly to a more visible effect... Despite the HB wing having too much wingroot chord and the AM wing not enough, this in roughly equal amounts, I have the impression the HB wing creates a more accurate overall plan view wing taper appearance...
Their canopy differences are very large in top cross-section, as is the TBF or TBM cowling appearance, giving a large edge to the HB kit on both counts (and an even larger edge to Hobby Boss for the TBM variant prop).
Here's an article on the issues: This very nice-looking resin folded wing set could possibly be used on the HB kit without too much trouble, which would be an especially good idea for the more intricately detailed inner wing parts (possibly lengthened to the exact chord?).
This would avoid the problem of a large suspended weight on the outer wing panels by combining this resin with the much lighter HB plastic outer wings, whose detail is quite adequate, being simpler on the original for that part.