I have been given the kit as an exchange for my Special Hobby Barracuda which I no longer wanted, and it is a very impressive kit.
There is a serious issue with the main canopy I describe here:
https://aeroscale.kitmaker.net/modules.php?op=modload&name=SquawkBox&file=index&req=viewtopic The cowlings are actually not that bad, and the easy to get Vector conversion takes care of any issue I would expect.
The D-mold lower front fuselage is much harder to get, but is probably worthwhile.
The lower rear fuselage corner radiuses seemed too square to me as well, but being low-situated this is not as big a deal.
To me the main canopy is actually a bigger issue: If you look at the small fuselage window behind its main canopy side window, that portion and the small window are roughly in the same ballpark in length on the real aircraft: The kit main canopy side window, on the other hand, is much longer than the small fuselage window...
I think that by trimming a fairly big -near 2 mm- amount from the entire rear edge of the cockpit canopy, this might restore the correct canopy proportions vs its triangular front part, AND the small fuselage window behind it: The problem is that the whole canopy tapers, so its rear cross-section will now be too narrow to match the spine: I think "cheating" by trimming away some plastic between the fuselage halves in the front of the spine will help the fit for that issue.
The nose now risks looking too long however, and also to get a better windscreen fit I think the entire fuselage should be "brought back" to match the shorter canopy, even if the nacelles themselves need a little trimming as well...
The pink lines made below show what I mean about shortening the fuselage, the green lines show why shortening the canopy is worthwhile:
One of the risks here is not the issue of canopy fit, but of the whole canopy starting to look too small overall (that exact thing happened when I tried to trim the height off the -unknowingly to me- too narrow Accurate Miniatures Avenger canopy [10 mm vs 11.6 mm actual at top frame], so as to make it look wider: That of course ended in the bin...: Fortunately the far better Hobby Boss Avenger kit is here now).
Considering the PV-1's modest price, I think the gamble here might be worth it, and also could turn out better...
It is otherwise a very impressive kit overall, and at long last NOT a fighter-sized 1:48th scale subject for once...
Edit: Disregard the pink line on the nose between the machine guns: That was from a previous concern that the nose looked a little narrow: Might still be valid but not the pink line I refer to..