As discussed in an earlier post I thought I again try a WW1 subject.
The venerable Airfix Albatross from the 1960s.(If released prior to 1966 its older than me yay.)
I had suggestions of aftermarket items but the cost of these verses kit cost was not worth the money involved.
Also I want see what this scratch building is about.
I hope to post at major mile stones of the build.
What have I done.
-added sidewall frames, floor and boxed the pit in.
(bear in mind there is only a pilot included in the box)
-added airspeed indicator from punched styrene sheet.
(a tad large)
-tided up the enginge and added a small amount of plumbing.
- modified seat from the spares box added a tape harness.
NOTE control column will be be added towards the end of the build.
Next stage:
complete fuselage.
sort out wings and figure out better maxim Mgs maybe the barrels from a couple of Dragon figures(HMMMMMMMMMMMM).
Comments please