OK...so by "tonight" I of course meant tomorrow night, which is today, and I have some progress.
The kit is as advertised; flawless (mostly) Tamiya quality (I build quite a few of their 1/48 armor kits) and engineered like a dream.
That being said, I've only made a small dent in the build; namely the first two steps involving the instrument panel and the cockpit. Here are some photos of my progress:

I became intimately "refamiliar" with Micro Set and Micro Sol when applying the instrument face decals and the seat belt (I'm planning on a pair of the included pilots standing outside the plane). After they were settled in, I went over them with some Model Master Acryl Flat to remove the slight traces of decal film, and then added a drop of Future Floor Wax (yeah, my bottle is so old it still says "Future" on the label) to the face of each instrument panel. Old technique, but MAN do I like the results.

Some more of the cockpit area. If anybody knows a good Model Air/Model Color mix for XF-71 Cockpit Green, I'd be happy to find out. For some reason, when I go to paint4models.com the online chart times out. Maybe it's not up to date with the latest Flash version; not sure.
**EDIT:: I found an updated reference source for conversions and have the correct Model Color and Model Air paints.**

That's the update for now. I'll be out of town for the weekend, but fully intend on getting this one finished by the first week in October, for my nephew's birthday on October 25.