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Problem with Eduard Bf 110D Decal sheet.
Antwerpen, Belgium
Joined: March 31, 2012
KitMaker: 224 posts
AeroScale: 146 posts
Posted: Thursday, October 11, 2012 - 08:54 PM UTC

As some as u have seen in the "what the postman brought" topic, i have just bought an Eduard 1/48 Bf 110D.
After looking at the contents, i noticed that the decal sheet seems to have a problem. All black numbers and letters, as the balkenkreuzen seems to be grey instead of black. I compared them to the other 2 decal sheets from Eduard that i bought and its really noticable.
Also, the red on the shark theeth is more pinkish in color then red.
Is this a known problem of this kit?

I tried to take a pic, but on the pic it does not show well.
Any feedback is welcome.
