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Revell FW 190f-8
California, United States
Joined: September 16, 2002
KitMaker: 651 posts
AeroScale: 0 posts
Posted: Thursday, November 06, 2003 - 07:17 AM UTC
I have started this puppy in 1/32 scale. My first ever AC. (it will be part of the Cover-up Campaign) Does anyone have pics of finished models that I can have a look at? Trying to decide on a paint scheme. They have a few variations in the instructions, but not much help in black & white. Also, any tips on the build from you experts will be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance
Posted: Friday, November 14, 2003 - 01:20 AM UTC
Hello Boosahmer:

Good Luck, I am working on the same project, And have begun painting mine as well. I am using the German Air Force Dark Green, Sand And Dark Gray (G. A..F. / Luftwaffe) My best sugggestion would be to pick up a Squadron Book on the FW-190 it has lots of good Reference pictures to work from. That or look the FW-190 up on the net. You can find alot of info as well as pictures of it there too. Let me know how yours turns out. I hope to have mine wrapped up this weekend. And then HOPEFULLY get pictures of it posted here soon.

Posted: Monday, November 17, 2003 - 04:18 AM UTC
FW-190/F-8 Update:
For anyone interested. I am still in the processs of building this baby. But now it is in the finishing stages. Spent the weekend completing the painting and the majority of the larger part of the building process. So I hope to have it completed in the next few days. A bit
behind schedule. But if I can wrap this up shortly I can get into some serious work on the F-15E Strike Eagle. Probably finish it during the Thanksgiving Weekend.