As soon as I saw the quality of this 1/72 kit from Meng Models it jumped immediately to the top of my build list. Click here to see my review of the F-102A. A dry fit of the parts reveals parts that fit very well indeed. One obvious feature that I wanted to rectify was the lack of blanking wall behind the air intakes. I created a cardboard template so that I could cut out the two plastic card inserts accurately. Once in place I dry fitted one of the glued two piece intakes to see if there was much to see down the ducts. To be honest, you could probably get away with not blanking the intakes off. Or of course you could use the old trick of placing a FOD guard over the intakes. The fit of the two piece intakes is very good and blends nicely with the fuselage.
Dry fitting the wings I did notice the leading edge joint has quite narrow area of contact. Any undue pressure could result in the failure of the glued joint. A very simple way of overcoming this is gluing a couple of strips of plastic card on the inside surface close to the leading edge joint. There is nothing worse than hearing that horrible crack while handling a model when a join or seam fails, particularly during painting.
Cockpit and undercarriage bay detail is excellent. The decal included for the instrument panel certainly saves a lot of careful painting. It will be used after painting the cockpit parts. The three piece seat looks very good, just missing some harnesses.
To be continued...