The pilot of 8493/18(OAW) is the highest scoring Bristol Fighter Ace of the War, Canadian Andrew McKeever (31 Kills) in England at Hounslow Airfield near London in 1919. This aircraft was one of 21 DVII's awarded to Canada as part of the Armistice terms and was eventually shipped to Canada with the others as part of the complement of Number 1 Squadron Canadian Air Force of which McKeever was the CO.
Another of the aircraft, 6810/18(Alb) can be seen today at the Brome County Historical Society Museum in Knowlton, Quebec and is, I believe, the only original DVII remaining.There's an excellent article on the Vintage Wings Canada site ("Those Canadian Fokkers - War Trophies and the Nascent Canadian Air Force") This article has some very nice original photos of the Canadian DVII's including 5924/18 (Alb)which was in the markings of Richard Kraut of Jasta 63 as depicted in one of the WNW DVII (Alb)Kit's schemes.
Neat article Stephen, and amazing to read that the engine of another one of these treasures survived.
I plan to build 2 of the 3 WNW Kits I have hoarded as "Canadian Fokkers", the original Kraut Scheme and 8493/18 as depicted with German markings and the 1 Canadian Airforce Badge as flown by Canadian pilots