Danny, putting up pictures here is easy as can be. I believe Jessica did a short tutorial on doing just that awhile ago.
Easiest way I found to do it is to post your pictures online someplace. I use Flickr, but others use Photobucket and some use the gallery right here.
When you want to post your picture here, in the text box, you will see a gray bar above the emoticons. The far right button says [img]. Left click on that button. And this should appear in the text box;
img]http://put.url.here/image.file[/img (I have to delete the first and last brackets to make sure you can see what I mean, you'll leave them intact to get this thing to work)
This is where you are going to insert your photo. Go to your photo, right click on the image and then left click on the line that says "copy URL".
Now, highlight the line between img] and [/img, right click the highlighted line and click on "paste". Make sure the brackets are still in place and you should have a picture in that space when you click ready to reply
Have fun