Hi Antoni,
To be honest I have no idea what kit you mean. It is quite probably too long time ago for me.

I heard a legends about Revell's kit of P.11c but I have never even seen one in plastic, just pics in the net. I remember however also ancient P.11c's from "PZW Siedlce" and its different later boxings. It would be still quite possible to build kit if only the molds would not be dagamed - on the upper and lower wings surfaces the sculpture of panels lines and corrugation aboulutely disappears. There's no way to cover it by any means. This kit was also reboxed by Master Craft few years ago, having the same error.
There are also some Quasimodo-like incarnations,like for example from ZTS Plastyk, but I even don't touch it. This information about new kits from AZUR really electrified me a lot.
I have read the article from "Lotnictwo z szachownicą" (in English it means "Aviation with chequerboard"). It is a translation of memoirs of Marcel Jurca, Romanian pilot whose first steps in combat unit were made on P.11f. The text was originally published in some French aviation magazine in mid 70's and was entitled "Le PZL P-11". Jurca simply reminds how big impression P.11f made on him, pleasure of flying, easy and steady flight and planes manoeuvrability. It is illustrated by about 5-7 photos of Romanian P.11f, including two on Szomanski skis and few from Jurca archive (and one with folded undercarrige) and few colour profiles - the same as presented on Jadar site.