Fuselage is closed up and partially painted and decal'ed - I usually do decals as the last step, but I wasn't going to mess with wrap around fuselage decals with wings in place.
Decals applied with combination of pre-basting of MicroSet and MicroSol after, following JackFlash' advice for hot water to submerge decals into. It's a large decal, so I did miss an airbubble or two, but I've removed them next day (once cured) with fine sanding stick and touched up with paint.
Experimenting with less silvery Pfalz paint whilst trying to differentiate between aluminum cowling color and painted wood portions of the fuselage.
Also note Max Holtzem's Pfalz with individual "organ pipes" for exhaust, in progress on being installed - I've drilled out the ends with "just thick enough" pin wise bit.