Since I can't continue on my T-20 dio for the postcard challenge on account of my dio being bought by Reality in Scale as a master I decided to start on one of the kits I bought at the SMC 2013 here in the Netherlands. I scored Eduards 1:72 Fokker Dr.1 at a very low price (today I found out it is missing a fuselage half which pretty much explains that but now I have a lot of spare parts which is not that bad). And I already had my eye on it for a while because I liked the Kempf Paintscheme with the taunting text. And the built started yesterday. The PE parts are really nice and just enough for what is visible. But they are also tiny and very fragile.
Here a picture of the box

I have not much in progress shots sadly but I have a shot of the MG with the PE parts on it that I made yesterday. It is the first time I have been succesfull in bending a cooling mantlet and I am pretty pleased how it turned out

And this is the pilots office in it's paint before I closed the fuselage. The PE frame is one of those extremely fragile parts and every time you lightly touch it you have to bend it back in shape again. All was OOTB except for the seat that I changed for a PART PE seat because visually it was nicer.

What surprised me was how small the Dr.I is. In height it is pretty much the same as for instance a Albatros D.III and somehow I assumed it would be around the same length as a Fokker D.VII but as I found out it is way shorter. It even is shorter then it's predecessor the E.III. The things one learns from this hobby.
As usual looking forward to any form of feedback
With friendly greetz
Robert Blokker